Monday, November 22, 2010

Some more for you

 These are some shots I took on a semi unsuccessful day to wasteland. It was fun anyway though
August Frontside air weird angle though.
Augs Frontrock

Petey! This guys the best.

Eventhough he doesn't think so he has some good style. relaxed and solid what more could you want?
There will be more to come and do expect an epic three part Peter Amerkhanian spotlight. The Man Behind The Board. 'Twill be sick.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

All Hail Cardiel on a Fixie?

        Lately I've been really excited about fixed gear bicycles and I've been working on a bike of my own. There are a lot of assumptions and preconcieved notions about fixies, like hipsters being the only ones who ride them but thats far from the truth. Especially when Cards is fully backing fixies. As Most know back in 2003 Cards was In an accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down and in a wheelchair for six months. Since the accident he has recovered considerably and can walk again but unfortunately he cant skate the way  we all know he can. So what does the sickest skater of all time do when he can't skate? He bikes and just slays most everything he tackles in life. Lets face it the guy is sick at anything and everything he does. Eventhough he has been out for seven years he has still managed to find other outlets for his general gnarliness,Djing,biking, shooting guns,etc. A few days ago I saw a fixie part he made for Macaframa. Now if im being honest there im not into watching fixie videos but this was sick. Eventhough its not him skating it's still tight to watch him channel his energy and talent into another hobby. He's hell on wheels and its just awesome to see him thriving even after his accident and still killing it like nothing ever happened. All Hail Cardiel.  

Monday, November 1, 2010

Park Fun

  These are some photos I took on a random Thursday but I have to say it was one of the best sessions I've ever had in my life. I know that sounds dramatic and cheesy but it was really that fun. They're not the most amazing photos in the world but they're a great reminder of that day and how good I felt.

Stephen with a solid back tail

Yunq Randall aka my son

Randy killing it. Melon Grab the Euro.

Marcus is gnarly. Homie has effortless style.

Can't front on Randall. Backside 180 up the Euro.
A Monster nergy drink truck came that day. Augie got hyped and got a slash grind in the deep end.

Augie Melon Grab

Its the most popular trick on this rail right now. Backside feeble grind.

My favorite photo of the whole day. Peter powerslides into the sunset.
Skateboarding is what I love to most in this world. I only want to portray it in a way that does it justice. Enjoy.